Nairobi Legacy Group Mission Statement
The Nairobi Legacy Group is working to preserve the legacy and improve the quality of life for the Black Community in the East Palo Alto/East Menlo Park.
Nairobi Legacy Group Vision Statement
Nairobi is a community with (1) Black cultural institutions and programs that lift up and pereserve our history; (2) Afro-0centric educational progframs for the entire Black community; (3) a network of health and human service agencies serving the Black community; (4) affordable housing for Black people that is safe and secure; and (5) sustainable economic development programs that benefit Black people. Nairobi is a place where Black people are empowered and are working together to preserve our legacy.
Core Values
- Community First
- All Voices Matter
- Respect for Elders
- Lead by Example
- Share the Rewards
The Nairobi Legacy Group is the only Black organization working to reserve the legacy of the Nairobi Movement.
Nairobi Legacy Project Strategic Priorities
- Community Engagement/Empowerment: Organizing and engaging Black people to lift up our voice and be heard;
- Black History and Culture: Developing cultural institutions to share our story and preserve our history;
- Black Education: Providing Afro-centric educational programs for all Black age-group;
- Health and Human Services: Connecting Black people to social/health services that both meet their needs and enable them to thrive;
- Housing: Providing safe and affordable housing to halt the displacement of Black people;
- Economic Development: Implementing economic development programs that generate wealth and benefit the entire Black community.
Bob Hoover (left) in the early 1970s leading Nairobi College, which taught courses from physics to Swahili.
By 1969, Nairobi College offered 25 courses on everything from physics to black legal problems to Swahili. Classes were taught everywhere from people’s apartments to the teen center, and all students were required to complete four hours of daily community service in the schools, health and welfare centers.
Our Initiatives
Nairobi Legacy Project
The Nairobi Legacy Group is working to preserve the legacy and improve the quality of life for the Black Community in East Palo Alto/East Menlo Park.
Nairobi College Scholarship Program
Nairobi College scholarships were given up to year 2018.
Bob Hoover (Founder of Nairobi College) in the News.
East of Palo Alto’s Eden: Race and the Formation of Silicon Valley
Nairobi Legacy In The News
Article by Dickens Olewe
Nairobi College 50th Year Reunion - July 26-28, 2019
Planning Committee Members: Bob Hoover, Omowale Satterwhite, Martha Hanks, Damani Kazembe, Lakiba Pittman, Vulindlela Wobogo, Juanita Croft, Jesse Norfleet, Kalamu Chaché, Don Smothers, Dr. Warren Hayman.
Nairobi Reunion 2011
Members of the extended Nairobi Family
Mailing address
Nairobi College Alumni
P. O. Box 50548
East Palo Alto, CA 94303